On February 11, 2017 we created a basket full of our favorite beauty products and services to our salon to giveaway to a lucky winner on Valentines Day. The Olaplex take home treatment, Redken Pillow Proof Dry Shampoo, and Redken Diamond Oil Shampoo and Conditioner were some of the many products that were included in our basket and can also be purchased in our Salon. The giveaway was on our social media pages, Instagram and Facebook. In order to be entered to win the basket, you had to be following us, share the post, and tag three people. We were very surprised at how many people entered to win the giveaway, and we are excited to have so much participation! On Valentine's Day, we finally got to announce the lucky winner, Miranda McNair won our basket full of goodies, perfect for lots of at-home pampering, and even a few in-salon treats! Since we had such a great response to our giveaway, we are already planning additional contests in the near future. Make sure you follow our pages at @bellacapelliaugusta (Instagram), on our Facebook Page or keep following along with us here to be entered to win the next giveaway!